Wednesday, October 27, 2004



There are two things I’d like to say about truth.

1. There is a universal truth to most things in life
2. You probably aren’t going to realize it

My favorite show, “Bullshit”, hosted by Penn and Teller is probably one of the best shows in history for exposing truth.

Here is an example

Bottled water. Remember the first time you heard about bottled water, and how fucking ridiculous that sounded to you? Bottled… water? What the fuck you said to yourself. But then the marketing machine took over. They convinced us that our tap water wasn’t clean - that it is full of contaminates. The convinced us that bottled water tasted better. For the first few years, people still saw through the bullshit, but eventually it took over. Now you can’t go to a university classroom without 75% of the stuck up bitches having a bottle of water on their desk. You’ve now probably purchased at least one bottle of waters in your life, if not hundreds. Now, what does this have to do with anything?

Truth. The truth is, that bottled water is a scam! We knew this 15 years ago, yet let the bottled water companies brainwash us. Tap water has been proven to be as sanitary as bottled water, as well as passing the “taste test”. Penn and Teller have a show devoted to this phenomenon, but the fact is, nothings going to change.

Truth is an absolute. There is no debating what truth is. If there is a truth to something, there is only one possible outcome. Bottled water’s truth is that it’s a complete scam. But the reason we’ll never see the end of it is because there are a lot more people with something to lose if the truth was (re)discovered, than there are of people to gain. Who would gain from the elimination of all bottled water companies? It would be hard to pinpoint, but certainly society on a whole would be better, as there would be less money wasted, and the environment would also be better, as there would be less wasted plastic bottles. But the bottled water companies would go tits up, and there would be a lot of visual, obvious loss on the part of the owners and workers. If a economic study was ever done that proved outright that having bottled water was more detrimental to society than it was beneficial, nothing still would be done because the companies would fight against this, and it would disappear overnight. The only way it could happen is if collectively, society woke up and realized that the study is right, and all got together and fought the bottled water companies. Of course this would never happen, hence bottled water is here to stay.

This is one example of truth. But on a much larger scale, truth isn’t something that is so trivial. There is a truth about everything. There is one answer to everything, even subjective things.

What is the best form of government?
Who would make the best president?
Which religion is right?

All these questions have an answer. One answer. How to obtain that answer is another thing, but the fact is that there can only be one possibility.

Too many people have too much to lose if people found out about certain truths. Certainly some people can know about them, but the marketing machines keep this knowledge to a minimum. By brainwashing and keeping the society ignorant, they can continue making themselves better off. The less you know about something, the more someone can exploit you. Overall, it’s inefficient. Finding out the truth should be the sole purpose of our existence, but because personal gain gets in the way, we will never have an honest, or efficient society.

Once you realize this, it is now your only real choice to find your own truth, skew it, and exploit people’s ignorance about it. You’ll make a fortune if you find the right one. Bottled water isn’t a bad start.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004


I hate people.

All people.

You know why?

Because no one takes responsibility for anything - ever.

When someone is an alcoholic, they claim that alcoholism is a disease and that they were helplessly affected by it.

Hey guess what asshole? It was your fucking choice to drink. Try telling a cancer patient that alcoholism is a disease. If you are an alcoholic, stop fucking drinking. Its not beyond your control, and it IS your fault.

Why can’t people understand this?

If you are poor, and you stay poor, it is your fault. The government isn’t holding you down, society isn’t holding you down, it’s just you. Go out there and make some money. Go fucking shine shoes and deliver papers. You are making the choice to be poor, you are not a victim of your circumstances. If you were determined enough, you can turn it around. Work 20 hour days, get up, do something.

Everything you do is your fault. You have the power to prevent almost everything that can happen to you. There is no fate, there are no invisible forces guiding you. Its you, making a decision based on your rationale which is derived from your past experience. Even if you have a fucked up rationale, its still your conscious choice. The only reason you don’t do something is because you figure its going to cost too much time, effort or money to do it, not because you just can’t.

You got hit by a car? Well you could have prevented it by not being there in the first place. You burned yourself by spilling hot coffee on your pants while driving? How about, not drinking the burning hot coffee while driving?

Of course, people have adapted this attitude of “not my fault” because the legal system has allowed it, especially in the U.S. Nothing is your fault in the U.S. You fell on the sidewalk? Sue your city government for not having railings for you. I mean, you can go through life blaming misfortune you have on someone else and get away with it. Doesn’t personal responsibility and choice come into play here?

Certainly there are sensible laws in place protecting innocent people from getting fucked over, but there is always incentive to abuse the system.

It bothers me because I can go beyond the selfish thought process of most humans and actually admit to making mistakes, and taking responsibility for my actions, when I know damn well that I could get away with blaming someone else and it being perfectly acceptable. So many people are ignorant to this fact that their abuse has led to a failure in the system.

Stop blaming someone else for your mistakes and short comings. Get a spine and realize that you can change, and maybe then you will.

Internet is such a waste of time...

But what could I do without it?

During the last few weeks I've started to realize that I've been developing this little annoying pattern of internet useage.

Lets call it, "the neverending waste of time".

Each day in my life consists of two things, either going to work or going to school. When I am not at either, I'm always on the computer. About the only thing I don't do within 5 feet of my computer is take a shit, and if I could, I would. Call me pathetic, but its what I find most enjoyable, and if you are actually taking the time to read my blog, or any blog for that matter, I would assume you are in a similar boat - the internet junkie.

Anyways back to my pattern. So each time I sit down I read a few forums, watch a few videos, start downloading some pr0n or music, check out some news sites, then I go back to the forums I originally read, start reading new posts, then watch some more videos, find some more pr0n or music to download, check out some more news sites and then go back to the forums. Its a never ending cycle that I could literally do for eternity. If I didn't have any responsibilities, thats what I would do, as it just traps me in. Somedays I wake up at 10am, start checkin, and the cycle starts. Before you know it its a week later and I'm still on after the 82nd refresh. I need help.

So thats my life. Some of you will feel better about yourself by knowing that someone is more pathetic than you, and others will identify with my plight, either way, I'm glad we made a connection today.

Some sites to add to your cycle:

Ebaum's World - Weekly updated humor site which posts the latest videos, pictures and flash games which you should check out. Check the archives for the real good shit. - Similar site to Ebaum's. Movies, flashes and shit. My personal favorite Fat kid getting shot by a gun. - The ultimate time waster. If you have an hour to kill, go here. Highlights the most rediculous news stories of the day. - great site for flash animations, some high quality shit on there. Dad's home is my current favorite. - sort of like Ebaum's world, but a lot more hardcore. This is what I consider to be the first site of its kind, a site with crazy videos on it. He doesn't update as much, but if you can sift through the porn adds, there is some seriously fucked up shit on there.

Maddox - The pioneer of all blogs. No self respecting angst ridden internet junkie can do without it.

Bill Simmons - The ultimate sports writer. Posts frequently and has a wicked sense of humour as well as knowledge. - the ultimate source for bit torrents. If you need music, movies, tv shows, software, or anything else electronic, this is the place to go.

Sunday, October 24, 2004


So why did I create this blog?

I know, bloggers are a dime a dozen and mostly just egotistical, self centered bitches, with too much spare time and nothing interesting to say.

So why read this?

Maybe I think that what I have to say is important. Is it egotistical to believe what you have to say is important and should be heard by others? I have a critical thought process, and am obsessively rational. Everything I've heard in my life I have challenged in my mind. Rarely will something be said which I believe right away. You have to think this way in order to be able to decipher the truth from bullshit. I know that what I have to say makes more sense than most things you will read, and if that makes me egotistical, then so be it.

Additionally this will be a good source of entertainment, from random things I find either hilarious or interesting - there will be fuckin great links that will make you wonder how you ever managed to get by without them before.

I'm an internet junkie. I've seen everything there is on the internet up to this date. If you think I havn't seen funny video A or hilarious pic B, then you are wrong. Let me be your guide - I practically invented the internet.

I promise that this blog will not be like this piece of shit blog. It pains me to read that. Typical retard blog, which is why I was hesitant to make this in the first place, but whats the harm? If it sucks, no big deal. One thing I promise is to never use the term LOL unless its absolutely necessary.

And I'm sorry for having to use this ghetto blog service to make this but I really can't program html for shit and it will end up looking worse than maddox.

In the end I just want this blog as an outlet for my thousands of random thoughts a day. Maybe someone will see them and think they are funny, interesting or smart and be able to do something with them that I couldn't LOL!

Enjoy, the web log of RikkiDee...