Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Virtual high schools?

A "virtual" high school in Wisconsin has received a flood of applications recently. By virtual they mean that most of the classes are done through correspondence through the web (not robot teachers).

While I'm all for efficiency in all aspects of life, I think education is one place where the efficiency needs to be toned down.

The times I had in my high school were the best of my life, for many reasons. I met all my long term friends there, and still enjoy seeing the people I went there with on a regular basis. Its amazing that I used to be in classes where I was friends with everyone, and now in university its the exact opposite. The internet is an amazing source of information, but there is something to be said about the value of human interaction.

The school has extracurricular programs and such, but what motivation do these kids have to even leave the house? I'm living proof that a life sustained by the internet is an unhealthy life. I couldn't imagine living this way throughout my high school life. When you are in high school you don't really know whats going on in the outside world, and sheltering these kids from that world even more can't be a good thing.

In my 4 years of university I've longed for the intimacy and comfort I had in high school. I've only met one professor that I can identify with and respect, where virtually all my high school teachers had at least one redeeming quality, and many I still think about today. I've relied too much on the internet for lecture notes and readings that I've found it increasingly pointless to attend class. I want more than just a degree from my education, and in hindsight I would have gotten more involved earlier, but the good thing about high school is that they force you to interact and get involved. Even if you join no clubs, teams or events you still feel apart of the school, where I feel like I'm going to work sometimes when I goto university classes.

I hope this isn't one of those things that I'll complain about in my senior years once all classes are through the internet and I'll start using the "in my day" phrase.


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